Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Kushnick, Geoffrey C. Parent-offspring Conflict among the Karo of North Sumatra. Diss. U of Washington, 2006. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Biological Anthropology, Children, Conflict, Southeast Asian |
Erin Gamble: Doctoral Dissertation Research: Trade and Entanglement in Precolonial Hokkaido: The Formation of the Okhotsk Culture. National Science Foundation. 2053348, 2021-2023. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Archaeology, Artifacts, Culture, East Asian, Environment, Geoarchaeology, Human Ecology, Indigenous, Material Culture, Social Change |
Hollis Miller: Doctoral Dissertation Research: Uncovering Native-Lived Colonialism in Old Harbor, Alaska. National Science Foundation, 2051935, 2021-2023. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Archaeology, Community Archaeology, Ethnography, Historical Archaeology, Indigenous Archaeology, Pacific Northwest, Postcolonial, Social Justice, Storytelling, Women |
Hope Loiselle: Doctoral Dissertation Research: Human-Pinniped Relationships & Marine Historical Ecology. National Science Foundation. 2022-2024. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Archaeology, Biology, Climate Change, East Asian, Ecology, Human Ecology, Zooarchaeology |
Work in progress... |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Cultural Anthropology, Culture, Food, Indigenous, Social Change, Social Justice, Storytelling |
Rachel Chapman: Adviser and Committee Membership List |
Graduate, Dissertations, Masters Theses |
Biological Anthropology, Class, Critical Theory, Ethnography, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Food, Health, Migration, Qualitative Methods, Social Change |
Lee, Racquel. Innovation Bubbles: Digitizing, Diversifying, and Financializing Global Higher Education in China. Dissertation from the University of Washington |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Architecture, Cultural Anthropology, East Asian, Economics, Education, Ethnography, Institutions, Science and Technology, Urban Studies |
Young, Tatiana Kalaniopua. Tent City Warriors: Place, Power and Pu'uhonua in Contemporary Hawai‘i. Expected 2018. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Ethnography, Landscape, Oceanic, Postcolonial, Queer Studies, Social Justice, Sociocultural Anthropology |