Human Evolutionary Biology (BS)

Unraveling the Mysteries of Human Origins

Within the Bachelor of Science in Human Evolutionary Biology (HEB), students embark on a profound journey exploring the evolutionary path of our species. While students can alternatively pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Human Evolutionary Biology, this program delves deeply into our evolutionary history.

Exploring Human Identity

As one of the options available within the Anthropology major, Human Evolutionary Biology invites students into an extraordinary narrative spanning more than 4 million years. This compelling story traces back to our origins in Africa, where our ancestors took their first upright strides, evolving over epochs to populate diverse corners of the world, culminating in the existence of modern Homo sapiens.

Unveiling Evolutionary Narratives

HEB delves into the foundational idea that our past is the key to understanding our present diversity. The program unveils an evolutionary saga that shaped humans to adapt and flourish in the environments of our ancient ancestors. Yet, rapid societal, lifestyle, and environmental changes might have outpaced the pace of evolution, potentially impacting modern human biology. This option offers an in-depth exploration, questioning how contemporary health challenges might stem from living in a world dramatically different from that of our ancestors.

Ethical Inquiry and Scientific Finesse

Students in the HEB program undergo dedicated training in the ethics of human subjects research and the intricate applications of evolutionary theory (initiating with BIO A 101/348). The curriculum emphasizes ethical scientific research as a cornerstone of proficient scientific practice. By the culmination of their undergraduate studies, HEB students gain a solid grasp of ethical evaluation and conduct in scientific research, essential attributes in responsible scientific inquiry.

Pathways and Career Trajectories

HEB graduates are well-equipped to pursue postgraduate training and careers in diverse health-related domains such as public health, epidemiology, nursing, medicine, and global health. The interdisciplinary nature of anthropology embedded in this option aligns seamlessly with the evolving landscape of health-related disciplines.

Relevance and Acknowledgment

Reports from Newsweek magazine emphasize the increased success of social science majors in medical school admissions over the past two decades. Furthermore, humanities students demonstrate superior performance in the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), spotlighting the interdisciplinary prowess essential in the dynamic field of medicine. Recommendations from esteemed institutions emphasize the integration of evolutionary biology within premedical education, a core aspect systematically offered through this comprehensive option.

Embark on an academic odyssey traversing the vast terrain of human evolutionary biology, preparing for a future at the intersection of scientific exploration and health-related disciplines.

BS in Human Evolutionary Biology (HEB) option requirements

HEB students are required to complete the following courses to fulfill their 75 anthropology credits:

Core Coursework (Required):

  • Complete core anthropology courses: BIO A 201, any 5-credit 200-level ARCHY course, and any 5-credit 200-level ANTH course.
  • Complete one statistics course chosen from CS&SS/SOC/STAT 221, STAT 220, STAT 311, Q SCI 381, or ARCHY 495.

Specific Courses Required:

  • Choose either BIO A 101 Human Biological Diversity or BIO A 348 Evolutionary Biology and Human Diversity.
  • Choose either BIO A 355 Evolutionary Medicine or BIO A 351 Principles of Evolutionary Medicine (only one can be taken for credit as they overlap).
  • At least 35 credits from the approved HEB course list (listed below).

Additional Requirements:

  • 35 credits must be Upper Division.
  • 50 credits must be Natural Science courses in Anthropology.

Approved courses for HEB
