The use of computing is crucial to a number of graduate student research projects, ranging from geographic information systems (GIS), image-processing software, statistical applications, mathematical modeling, and 3D visualization programs. These programs allow for study on human-landscape interactions, the spatial distribution of archaeological sites and artifacts within sites, and modeling cultural changes through time, and thus promotes novel approaches for understanding human behavior and promotes the use of technologies previously unknown to archaeology. High-performance computing systems obtained by a 2006 STF grant allow students to create novel simulations and sophisticated models which promise to deliver substantial results for student research. Computing stations include ArcGIS, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), MATLAB modeling software for algorithm prototyping and data visualization, image processing software, and 3D modeling software. High-powered workstations with a dedicated server are used for creating large visually-oriented datasets. The DigAR lab was upgraded in 2010. DigAR Lab Site
Example Research: This lab has been used by students studying differential distributions of geochemical characteristics related to agriculture, interhousehold distributions of food resources in Indonesia, and settlement patterns in Eastern Washington.