Archaeological Sciences (BS)

Excavating the Past

Within the realm of Archaeological Sciences lies a comprehensive exploration of archaeological methods and theories, presenting an opportunity for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Anthropology. While an alternative option exists in the form of a Bachelor of Arts in Archaeological Sciences, this program rigorously immerses individuals in the study of archaeological data.

Unearthing Methodologies

The Archaeological Sciences option is tailored for students interested in delving deep into the scientific facets of anthropology. The curriculum emphasizes the meticulous study of archaeological data, equipping students with specialized laboratory, analytical, and field skills. These required courses provide a historical context crucial for comprehending contemporary issues in archaeological sciences.

Fostering Analytical Insight

A paramount focus lies on nurturing students’ ability to comprehend the logic and rationale underpinning archaeological arguments. Graduates completing this program are aptly prepared to embark on careers within archaeology-related domains, spanning both private sectors (e.g., cultural research management firms) and public sectors (e.g., National Park Service, Forestry Service). Additionally, this option paves the way for further pursuits in graduate studies in archaeology.

Credentialing Expertise

The Archaeological Sciences option is transcripted, acknowledging students’ expertise in archaeology on their official academic transcripts. This recognition can significantly aid in applications to graduate programs or in securing employment opportunities.

Inclusive Access and Practical Experience

Open to all Anthropology majors, this non-competitive option advocates for field experience, particularly through UW-faculty led archaeology field schools. Five credits from ARCHY 270 contribute to the 'approved courses' credits. Various other forms of field experience, including participation in non-UW research projects or Cultural Resource Management (CRM) projects, can also be accredited toward fulfilling the 'approved courses' list. Consulting with the archaeology faculty beforehand ensures appropriateness for the ASc program. The curriculum forecast proves invaluable in scheduling to fulfill the option's course requisites.

BS in Archaeological Sciences (ASc) option requirements

Archaeological Sciences students are required to complete the following courses to fulfill their 75 anthropology credits:

Core Coursework (Required):

  • Complete core anthropology courses: BIO A 201, any 5-credit 200-level ARCHY course, and any 5-credit 200-level ANTH course.
  • Complete one statistics course chosen from CS&SS/SOC/STAT 221, STAT 220, STAT 311, Q SCI 381, or ARCHY 495.

Specific Courses Required:

Additional Requirements:

  • 35 credits must be Upper Division.
  • 50 credits must be Natural Science courses in Anthropology.

Approved Courses for Archaeological Sciences (ASc)

Strongly recommended:
Also recommended:

