Below is a list of non-UW affiliated fieldwork opportunities. Most field schools are available to undergraduate and graduate students and many also offer scholarships to supplement the cost of their programs. For additional funding opportunities to support field work please visit:
Various Locations
- Archaeological Institute of America: Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin Board - Explore fieldwork opportunities on the map or search fieldwork using the form
- Archaeological Institute of America & Archaeology Magazine’s Interactive Digs -
- Archaeological Institute of America: Field Work List -
- American Board of Forensic Anthropology: Field Schools, Internships & Short Courses -
- ShovelBums - The world’s largest provider of Archaeology, Academic, and Cultural Resource Management (CRM) related jobs. Since 1999 ShovelBums has filled over 36,000 positions in academia, archaeology and CRM.
- Center for American Archeology - CAA’s purpose is to discover and disseminate the unwritten story of earlier Americans’ lifeways, accomplishments and changing natural environment. The Center fulfills this mission by supporting integrated programs of archeological investigation, educational outreach and cultural stewardship. Internships and scholarships available.
- Center for Field Sciences - Connecting students & scholars to conduct field research across the world and across time within Archaeology, Cultural Resource Management & other Environmental Science disciplines. Field school’s currently being held in North America and Europe. Students can participate for course credit.
- Institute for Field Research – IFR was created by a group of leading academics and operates as an independent, nonprofit academic organization allowing us to break down traditional institutional barriers and deliver field schools to students regardless of the university in which they matriculate. IFR delivers evidence-based field science programs in a broad range of disciplines while ensuring excellence in research and teaching. Each program is peer-reviewed, annually by our Academic Board. Students attending any IFR field school are awarded college credit units through our academic partner. Field schools held around the world.
- Institute for Research & Learning in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology - IRLAB is a non-profit organization established to promote the advancement and diffusion of archaeological and bioarchaeological knowledge through research and education. Field school’s currently being held in North America and Europe. Students can participate on a credit or non-credit basis.
- The Register of Professional Archaeologists: Certified Field School List – RPA is a community of professional archaeologists advocating for the professional growth of all archaeologists with the belief that a strong professional career begins with a sound introduction to archaeological field methods since field schools are the primary introduction to the discipline. RPA certified archaeological field schools strengthens these important training and learning contexts by requiring certain standards for basic research methods, field experiences, and reporting.
- Society for American Archaeology - SAA is an international organization that, since its founding in 1934, has been dedicated to research about and interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With nearly 7,000 members, SAA represents professional and avocational archaeologists, archaeology students in colleges and universities, and archaeologists working at Tribal agencies, museums, government agencies, and the private sector. SAA has members throughout the U.S., as well as in many nations around the world.
- Yale University’s List of Recommended Field Schools -
- Semliki Chimpanzee Project Field School (Uganda) - Primate Behavior & Conservation field course in Uganda. The Semliki Chimpanzee Project was founded in 1996 by Indiana University’s Prof. Kevin Hunt. SCP’s mission is to ensure the survival of the chimpanzees of the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve and to study their unique diet, behavior and habitat. Students can participate on a credit or non-credit basis.
- Turkana Basin Institute: Field School (Kenya) – The Turkana Basin Institute (TBI) is a privately funded, non-profit initiative, founded by Richard Leakey and Stony Brook University. It is a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary enterprise that seeks to facilitate fieldwork within the Lake Turkana Basin by providing logistical support to researchers. The primary research focus is human prehistory and related earth and natural science studies. As the most important repository of fossil evidence for human evolution, a major commitment of TBI is to safeguard the extensive fossil deposits in the region through engagement with the local communities. TBI offers several remarkable field education opportunities in the Lake Turkana region of Kenya.
- Koobi Foora Field School (Kenya) - George Washington University has partnered with the National Museums of Kenya to offer students on-the-ground experience in paleoanthropology at the Koobi Fora Field School (KFFS). Located on the eastern shore of Lake Turkana, Kenya, KFFS is the world’s premier field research and training program in paleoanthropology. Over the course of the program, students earn credit through lectures, specialized laboratory exercises and one-on-one training with senior scientists on site. They explore remote and dramatic landscapes and search for evidence of hominins going back millions of years. Additionally, students benefit from the interaction with their international peers, which can broaden their worldview and enhance their future working relationships.
British Isles
- Archaeology at Caherconnell Fort (Ireland) - In partnership with the University of Galway, we provide unforgettable archaeological experiences within the unique Burren region. Field schools are led by Dr. Michelle Comber, a leader in archaeological education. This is complemented by a cultural element, which sees students interact with the local people daily. The site is also home to three stone cahers (ring forts), a probable Late Bronze Age burial mound, an ancient field system, two Bronze Age boulder burials, ancient dwelling sites and a prehistoric house.
- Blackfriary Archaeology Field School (Ireland) - Situated in the Medieval town of Trim, County Meath which is the heritage capital of Ireland. We are excavating the remains of a Medieval Dominican Friary to analyze how the changing patterns of its patronage and use are interwoven with the known history of the town. To date we have expanded our dig to explore part of the south aisle of the church, the cloister, the domestic ranges, the cemetery and the boundary between the town and the friary precinct. Scholarship funds available.
- Galway Archaeological Field School (Ireland) - Provides students with hands-on experience of the archaeology and architecture of medieval Ireland. We specialize in this field and seek to immerse our students in the wealth of medieval castles, churches and monasteries which lie scattered across the Irish landscape.
- Heritage Archaeological Research Practice (Scotland) – HARP Archaeology have been providing specialist training programs and field schools, engaging with local community groups and heritage societies, and assisting clients with archaeological planning requirements for over a decade.
- Irish Archaeology Field School (Ireland) - We are Ireland’s leading provider of accredited, field-based archaeological research and training programs. The ethos of the school is to provide an opportunity for students of archaeology and anthropology to experience at first hand the excitement of archaeological excavation in a teaching environment.
- Mercian Archaeological Services CIC (England) - We are a Community Interest Company, and an independent Research company, who provide archaeological services, and specialize in Community Archaeology, Public Involvement, and Training. Our mission is to create a new way of undertaking sustainable archaeological research in the 21st century.
- Association of Culture & Territory (Italy) - The Associazione “Cultura e Territorio” (ACT) is a community of researchers, professionals, students, and enthusiasts that is committed to the Research, Protection, and Valorization of Cultural Heritage.
- Aditu Archaeology Field School (Spain)- Aditu is a research project investigating the origins of the medieval ossuary located at Roncesvalles (Northern Navarre, Spain) just a few miles from the French border. The purpose of the project is to investigate what is rumored to be the burial site of the rearguard of Charlemagne’s army, ambushed in the Battle of Roncesvalles and immortalized in the medieval French work “La Chanson de Roland.” In addition to its historical significance, the location has long been an important rest stop for pilgrims hiking the Camino de Santiago from France, as it represents the traditional first stop upon crossing the Pyrenees mountains and entering the Iberian Peninsula.
- ArchaeoSpain (Spain)- ArchaeoSpain was created by a group of archaeologists and educators committed to furthering cultural exchange and experience in archaeology. Its goal has always been to provide opportunities for people from all over the world to engage in scientific research at important archaeological projects. Multiple archaeological digs currently in progress throughout Spain.
- Archaeological Field Camps (Portugal) - A mixed model of work, research and learning field for students, preferably from the branches of archaeology, history and archaeosciences, which began in 2012 and has acquired international acclaim. The aim of these camps is to study, preserve and publicize the archaeological sites of the municipality of Proença-a-Nova, making known a heritage that is still unknown to many.
- British School at Athens: An institute for Advanced Research (Greece) - Founded in 1886, the BSA is a UK-registered charity and is one of eight British International Research Institutes that receive annual funding from the British Academy. The School exists to promote research of international excellence in all disciplines pertaining to Greek lands, from fine art to archaeometry and in all periods to modern times.
- Castelo Archaeological Project (Portugal) - Excavations at the site of Castelo Velho da Serra d'Ossa, and for its first season of excavation at the site of Martes, both located in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Students will be housed in the nearby town of Redondo. Students who wish to join our 5-week session will have the unique opportunity to excavate two separate Bronze Age sites.
- Center for Ancient Mediterranean & Near Eastern Studies: Field School (Italy) - Lorenzo de' Medici and CAMNES run a four-week intensive Archaeology Field School under the direction of a team of professional archaeologists. This program gives the opportunity to learn and work in a real excavation environment while gaining an understanding of ancient Etruscan culture and archaeological methods. In previous sessions of the Field School students have uncovered important archaeological finds such as a mirror with incised gods, now exhibited at the National Museum of Tuscania. Students play an active role in the excavation of the Etruscan necropolis (city of dead) near Tuscania.
- LDM: The Italian International Institute: Archaeology Field School (Italy) - A four-week Archaeology Field School in Tuscania, located in the Region of Lazio (Central Italy). The LdM-CAMNES Archaeology Field School is an incredible journey in an inspiring environment, where students play an active role in the excavation of Etruscan necropolises, the cities of the dead. Under the direction of a team of professional archaeologists, students acquire archaeological methods, while gaining a firsthand look at archaeological fieldwork and a new understanding of the ancient Etruscan culture.
- Off the Beaten Track (Malta) - The world’s longest-standing cultural anthropology field school held annually on the islet of Gozo (Malta), one of the three inhabited islands of the Maltese Archipelago in the heart of the Mediterranean. Scholarship funds available.
- Sanisera Archaeology Institute (Spain) - Offer international courses focusing on archaeology, school-work alternance archaeology programs and anthropology. Student's fieldwork centers on the survey and excavation of classical sites.
- San Gemini Preservation Studies (Italy & Greece) - San Gemini Preservation Studies is a summer field school, now in its 26th year, that organizes lectures, research, fieldwork, workshops and field trips in the disciplines of historic preservation, restoration and conservation.
- Umbra Institute (Italy) - Umbra Institute’s mission is to develop our students’ expertise in the full range of methods and processes employed in a complete archaeological project, from research design and preliminary survey of the territory to methods of data collection in the field and digging, to the cataloging and display of archaeological remains. By investigating the archaeological heritage of this landscape, our project provides an instructive example of how different civilizations built upon one another in the same geographic area.
- Bornholm Archaeological Research Center: Vasagård (Denmark) – The mission of BARC is to collect, preserve, and research ancient and historical heritage, and to present it from multiple perspectives within the context of the Archaeology and History, addressing a broad, diverse audience, so as to contribute to the knowledge and enjoyment of history and the values that it represents, as a symbol of identity for the Baltic Region. The BARC would be a premier research organization dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and conservation of archaeological knowledge and heritage. The BARC is home to Archaeology Programs in the Baltic region.
East-Central Europe
- ArchaeoTek: Bioarchaeological/Archaeological Techniques & Research Center (Romania)– ArchaeoTek offer archaeological field school, bioarchaeology field school and lab projects, and osteology laboratory education and research opportunities in Transylvania, Romania, for bio/archaeology and anthropology students and enthusiasts, offering affordable ways to explore their passion, while maintaining the highest standards of research and academic excellence.
- The Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeology (Hungary) - BAKOTA project is studying a Bronze Age cemetery population in Eastern Hungary, and aims to understand how this region intensified farming, craft production, and trade without corresponding increases in social inequality.
- Balkan Heritage Field School: BHFS is a program of the Balkan Heritage Foundation (BHF) intended for education in the field of archaeology and historic preservation. It includes field school programs, taught in English, in four Balkan countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Israel. All the field schools are affiliated with ongoing research and/or conservation projects: archaeological excavations, art historical expeditions, conservation of artifacts and monuments, thus contributing to the study and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Balkans.
- Foundation for Polish History & Culture: Mortuary Archaeology (Poland) - We offer an intensive learning experience in human osteology and mortuary archaeology at the medieval inhumation burial grounds in Giecz, Gać and Żelewo. All students get involved in the fieldwork, receiving hands-on experience in the excavation of human burials and related archaeological features from their discovery to final removal. The field school includes a strong laboratory component which provides an opportunity to practice identification of complete and fragmentary human skeletal remains.
- Transylvania BioArchaeology – A registered non-profit, educational community interest organization aimed at providing comprehensive professional training in the excavation and analysis of human skeletal remains in archaeological and forensic contexts. Transylvania Bioarchaeology comprises international teams of academics who have a passion and drive for bioarchaeological and forensic research. All of our staff members are current professionals in the field who have impressive publication and presentation portfolios.
North America
- Museum of Natural & Cultural History: Archaeology Field Schools - The museum has maintained an active program of field research in archaeology since 1937. Today, our field schools offer graduate and undergraduate students practical training in excavation techniques and other field methods at some of North America's earliest cultural sites.
United States
- National Park Service: Archaeology Field Schools - Archeological field schools provide hands-on field and lab experience. They are a great way to learn about what archeology is and how archeologists work. Participants learn archeological methods, such as excavation and artifact processing, and archeological thinking, like the use of physical evidence to sequence cultural activity over time.
- The Association for Washington Archaeology: FREE Field Technician Training Program - AWA members and affiliated cultural resource management (CRM) companies in Washington have partnered with local tribes, agencies, and universities to offer free training sessions for individuals interested in pursuing careers as archaeological technicians. The AWA Field Technician Training Program aims to provide students, tribal members, recent graduates, early career professionals, and those seeking accessible training with opportunities to develop and enhance their professional skills. The training sessions are led by volunteer CRM professionals each spring and summer across various locations in Washington.
- Archaeology Southwest: Preservation Archaeology Museum Curation & Survey Field School - Our curriculum highlights the goals, ethics, and practice of Preservation Archaeology, which integrates research, education, preservation, and engagement with Indigenous and local communities. We share what we learn throughout the project with the public via local events, blog posts, and other venues. Together, students and staff explore ethically responsible and scientifically rigorous field and research methods while investigating compelling questions about people’s lives in the past.
- California State Park: Archaeology Volunteer & Field Work Links - Volunteering for archaeological fieldwork can be a very rewarding experience. It can be frustrating for a person who would like to experience archaeology in a field setting, but lacks the available resources to do so. Here are a few links that can help the beginner or seasoned professional gain archaeological experience in just a week or more depending on your commitment.
- COMITAS: Institute for Anthropology Study (NYC)- The Comitas Institute for Anthropological Study (CIFAS) supports in-depth ethnographic research that addresses critical issues in contemporary society. The goal of the field school, held in New York City, is to enable participants to confidently engage in ethnographic research with solid training in the foundations of the method, informed by a creative spirit and guided by the highest ethical standards.
- Society for California Archaeology: Field School List – A nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to research, understanding, interpretation and conservation of the heritage of California and the regions that surround and pertain to it. This is a list of California universities, colleges and programs which offer archaeological field school opportunities.
- North Shore Field School (Hawaii) - The North Shore Field School started as an archaeological endeavor working at historical sites in the Waialua moku. After a successful five years, the archaeological field school evolved into an ethnographic field school focused on documenting, preserving, and honoring the people of Waialua.
- Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School – IFS offers anthropological methods immersion field school on the island of Isla Mujeres, Mexico. IFS is dedicated to the professionalization of ethnographic research and the training of students on how to conduct ethical, meaningful and professional research.
- The Open School of Ethnography & Anthropology Community Institute for Transcultural Exchange – The mission of OSEA is provide individuals with first-hand, experiential knowledge, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation of Indigenous cultures, traditions, and histories; and, to enable greater positive interaction and exchange between peoples of different cultural communities and social worlds. Ethnography Field School is an intensive, on-site fieldwork program that provides training in ethnography.
Middle East
- Tell Timai Project (Nile Delta) - Tell Timai, the ancient city of Thmuis, is a rare example of a well-preserved Graeco-Roman City in the Nile Delta. The urban center is nearly complete and offers an exceptional opportunity to study all aspects of life, business, religion, and administration during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Mudbrick architecture is rarely preserved in the Delta, making Tell Timai a unique piece of Egyptian history. Unfortunately the site is under considerable threat from encroachment, erosion, and looting. Since 2007, the Tell Timai Project of the University of Hawaii has embraced the concepts of Research, Conservation, and Education and has undertaken the tasks of studying the city to save it as an important piece of Egyptian patrimony and world history. The ultimate goal is to create a site worthy of drawing tourism to the Eastern Delta and combining the site with neighboring Mendes to create a World Heritage Archaeological Zone.
- The Time of Magan Field School: The Ras Al Jinz Project (Oman) – This project explores the settlement site of RJ-3, in the natural reserve of Ras Al Jinz, bordering the Indian Ocean on the easternmost cape of the Arabian Peninsula. The site was occupied from the Late Neolithic to the end of the Early Bronze Age (EBA, 4th-3rd mill. BCE), as revealed by a long sequence of occupations, quite exceptional for a coastal site in the region. This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience in the field of Arabian Archaeology, and more broadly in settlement archaeology (excavation and documentation) and artefacts/ecofacts processing and recording. The program offers expert-led research focused training designed to introduce students to practical archaeological field methods, and to build and expand on knowledge and experience gained during your university studies.
South/Central America
- PUCP: Field School Program (Peru) - Participating students will have the opportunity to live a unique and intensive field and research experience and have a direct approach to local people, with respect and openness to intercultural learning.
- Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project (Belize) - The project is directed by Belizean archaeologist Dr. Jaime Awe (Northern Arizona University), Dr. Julie Hoggarth (Baylor University), and Dr. Claire Ebert (University of Pittsburgh). BVAR has conducted archaeological research in central Belize since 1988 with the initiation of excavations at the ancient Maya site of Cahal Pech.
- Rio Bravo Archaeology Field School (Belize) - RBAS is a field school that trains students in archaeological methods, such as survey and excavation, within the context of a long-term, cutting-edge academic project focused on deciphering the character and significance of ancient Maya commoner households. RBAS is providing valuable insights into the day-to-day workings of Pre-Hispanic Maya culture and has been attracting motivated students and volunteers for over a decade. With its current focus on ancient Maya commoner settlement, ceremonialism, water management and an emphasis on geo-archaeological research (soils and ancient botanical remains), the project’s excavations and mapping efforts are now reaching their most interesting and dynamic phase.
- DANTA: Association for the Conservation of the Tropics (Costa Rica) - Each year DANTA offers a number of field courses in various aspects of tropical biology. Typically, the courses are one month long but shorter courses are also offered through our organization. The courses are intended for undergraduates or early graduate level students who have a keen interest in tropical biology and conservation but have little or no experience of working in a tropical environment. Field school topics include Primate Behavior and Conservation; Tropical Biology and Conservation; Wildlife Conservation and Sustainability.
- NAPA-OT: Field School in Antigua (Guatemala) – NAPA-OT is a project of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. Our vision is to facilitate transdisciplinary learning among students in occupational therapy, global health, applied anthropology, and related fields. The goal of the field school is to promote social and occupational justice, which it enacts through partnerships with NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in and around Antigua. By providing integrative field work opportunities within occupational therapy and anthropology, we believe that ideals of social and occupational justice can be systematically refined by a set of concepts, theories, bodies of knowledge, and tools for implementation as practitioners and researchers in real-world contexts.
- Huari-Ancash Bio-Archaeological Research Project (Peru) - Our research examines how changes in mortuary patterns were associated with transformations in the political and social organization between AD 200 and 1600. By applying a diachronic approach, we study, how variation in tombs is reflected in public and ceremonial architecture; if there is continuity in the use of some type of tombs, and rituals associated with the dead. Tombs were places where ayllu -based social organization materialized.
- Maya Research Project - MRP is a non-profit organization (501 C3) that sponsors archaeological and ethnographic research in Middle America. Each summer since 1992, MRP has supported archaeological research in northwestern Belize and ethnographic research in Yaxunah, Mexico. The Blue Creek Archaeological Project includes research at the sites of Blue Creek, Grey Fox, Nojol Nah, Tulix Mul, Tz'unun, and Xnoha.
South Pacific
- Andover Foundation for Archaeological Research (French Polynesia) - Our mission is to pursue archaeological research through the involvement of local communities and the general public.
College/University Field School Opportunities
These institutions regularly offer field schools to students. Attending these field schools may require you to register for several credits of field school credits through another institution. Please reach out to these institutions directly with questions.
- University of Alaska Fairbanks: Field Schools -
- San Jose State Field School -
- CSU Long Beach: Field School -
- UC Davis Field School -
- Foothill College (CA) -
- UC Berkeley: Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology (Greece, Summer) -
- UC Berkeley: Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) Field School -
- CalPoly Humboldt: Field Schools -
- Colorado State University -…
- University of Colorado Boulder: Summer -…
- Southern Connecticut State University -
- University of West Florida -
- Boston University - e/
- University of Towson: Baltimore Field School -
- St. Mary’s College of Maryland -
- Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification, Michigan State University (England) -
- University of Michigan: Gabi Project (Italy) -
New Hampshire
- Dartmouth Field School: Classics -
New York
- Columbia University -
- Cornell University -
- Utica University -
- Columbia -
- University of the South -
- University of Utah -
- University of Virginia -
- University of Virginia -
- Oregon State-
- Oregon State University -
- Southern Oregon University -
- Washington State University: Field School -
- Western Washington -
- Edmond’s College -
- Edmonds College, Washington: Learn and Serve Environmental Anthropology –
- University of Alberta – The Baikal Archaeology Project (Russia/Japan) -
- University of British Columbia -
- University of Northern British Columbia -
- University of Victoria -