Been, Ella, Asier Gómez-Olivencia, and Patricia A. Kramer. "Brief Communication: Lumbar Lordosis in Extinct Hominins: Implications of the Pelvic Incidence." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 154.2 (2014): 307-14. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Grant, Jenna M. 2014. Technology, magic, anthropology, Cambodia. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter 69 (Autumn): 13. |
Publications |
Cultural Anthropology, Science and Technology, Southeast Asian |
Doll, L.M., Hill, A.K., Cárdenas, R.A., Welling, L.L.M., Wheatley, J.R., and Puts, D.A. (2014). How well do men’s faces and voices index mate quality and dominance? Human Nature, 25(2), 200-212. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Puts, D.A., Doll, L.M., and Hill, A.K. (2014). Sexual selection on human voices. In: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Sexual Psychology and Behavior, Weekes-Shackelford, V. and Shackelford, T.K. (eds.). Springer, 69-86. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Amrute, Sareeta. "Proprietary Freedoms in an IT Office: How Indian IT Workers Negotiate Code and Cultural Branding." Social Anthropology Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 22.1 (2014): 101-17. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Sociocultural Anthropology |
Deppen, Jacob, and Robert A. Cook. "Deer Use in Good times and in Bad: A Fort Ancient Case Study from Southwest Ohio." Environmental Archaeology 19.1 (2013): 72-83. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Grunspan, D. Z., B. L. Wiggins, and S. M. Goodreau. "Understanding Classrooms through Social Network Analysis: A Primer for Social Network Analysis in Education Research." Cell Biology Education 13.2 (2014): 167-78. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Dubal, Sam. 2013. From Rebels to Charity Cases and Back?: Ideology and Political Futures in Northern Uganda. Critical Investigations in Humanitarianism in Africa. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
African, Identity, Political Economy, Postcolonial, Violence and Trauma, War and Terror |
"High Strength Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene and Grain Boundaries". Gwan-Hyoung Lee, Ryan Cooper, Sung Joo An, Sunwoo Lee, Arend van der Zande, Nicholas Petrone, Alexandra G. Hammerberg, Changgu Lee, Bryan Crawford, Warren Oliver, Jeffrey W. Kysar, and James Hone. Science (May 30, 2013) |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Science and Technology |
Araujo, Astolfo G.m., André M. Strauss, James K. Feathers, Julio César Paisani, and Thomas J. Schrage. "Paleoindian Open-Air Sites in Tropical Settings: A Case Study in Formation Processes, Dating Methods, and Paleoenvironmental Models in Central Brazil." Geoarchaeology 28.3 (2013): 195-220. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Lautzenheiser, Steven G., and Patricia Ann Kramer. "Linear and Angular Measurements of the Foot of Modern Humans: A Test of Morton'S Foot Types." The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 296.10 (2013): 1526-533. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Hill, A.K., Hunt, J., Welling, L.L.M., Cárdenas, R.A., Rotella, M.A., Wheatley, J.R., Dawood, K., Shriver, M.D., and Puts, D.A. (2013). Quantifying the strength and form of sexual selection on men’s traits. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34(5), 334-341. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Griffin, P. Joshua. "Ethics: Translation." , Cultural Anthropology website, April 17, 2013. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
American Indian/Native American, Climate Change, Cultural Anthropology, Environment, Ethnography, Social Justice, Sociocultural Anthropology |
Hill, A.K., Dawood, K., and Puts, D.A. (2013). Biological foundations of sexual orientation. In: Handbook of Psychology and Sexual Orientation, Patterson, C.J. and D’Augelli, A.R. (eds.). Oxford University Press, 55-68. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Byler, Darren and Dugan-Iverson, Shannon. "Introduction to Literature, Writing & Anthropology: A Curated Collection of Five Cultural Anthropology Articles." Cultural Anthropology. 2012. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Cultural Anthropology |
Janelle S. Taylor, Shaune M. DeMers, Elizabeth K. Vig and Soo Borson. 2012. “The Disappearing Subject: Exclusion of People with Cognitive Impairment and Dementia from Geriatrics Research,” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 60:413-419 |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Aging, Disability, Epistemology, Medical Anthropology, Medicine, Qualitative Methods, Research Methods, Science and Technology |
Wylie, Alison. "Interdisciplinary Practice: Archaeology and Philosophy." Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a Discipline. Ed. William L. Rathje, Michael Shanks, Christopher Witmore, and Susan E. Alcock. London: Routledge, 2013. 93-121. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison, and George Nicholas. "'Do Not Do Unto Others…': Cultural Misrecognition and the Harms of Appropriation in an Open Source World." Appropriating the Past: Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Archaeology. Ed. Geoffrey Scarre, Robin Coningham, and James O. Young. N.p.: Cambridge UP, 2012. 195-221. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison. "Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters." Presidential Address. Proc. of Pacific Division American Philosophical Association. 2nd ed. Vol. 86. N.p.: n.p., 2012. 47-76. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Shell-Duncan, Bettina. "Seven Things to Know about Female Genital Surgeries in Africa." Hastings Center Report 42.6 (2012): 19-27. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Pérez, Michael Vicente. "Human Rights and the Rightless: The Case of Gaza Refugees in Jordan." The International Journal of Human Rights15.7 (2011): 1031-054. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Sociocultural Anthropology |
Wylie, Alison. "Critical Distance: Stabilizing Evidential Claims in Archaeology." Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Ed. William Twining, Philip Dawid, and Dimitra Vasilaki. Oxford: Oxford Univ, 2011. 371-94. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Amrute, Sareeta. "Where the World Ceases to Be Flat." India Review 10.3 (2011): 329-40. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Sociocultural Anthropology |
Shell-Duncan, Bettina, Katherine Wander, Ylva Hernlund, and Amadou Moreau. "Dynamics of Change in the Practice of Female Genital Cutting in Senegambia: Testing Predictions of Social Convention Theory." Social Science & Medicine 73.8 (2011): 1275-283. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Biological Anthropology |
Isquith, L., Stringfellow, E., Chapman, R., Stango, P., and Wishik-Miller, G. 2011. But Aren't They All High-Risk? Applying PCMH High-Risk Stratification to an Already At-Risk Homeless Population. Primary Care Innovations Conference, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. |
Publications |
Health Disparities, Quantitative Methods |