Predissertation Pilot Awards

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Gildee, Cristina. A Variable Terrain Treadmill: Development and Validation. 2021. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Pan, Anwesha. Biomarker methods validation. 2021 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Glass, Delaney.  Investigating Temporality of Cortisol Across Puberty.  2021 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Loiselle, Hope. Multiproxy evidence from archaeological and museum collections to examine intertwined human-faunal-environmental histories: A case study using Zalophus japonicus (Japanese sea lion) from Hokkaido, Japan, 2020 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
St. John. Construction, Negotiation, and Contestation of Visual Narrative Through Photographic Practice, Qingdao and Vancouver. 2020 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Tennyson, Robert. Understanding how physical activity modifies associations between psychosocial stress and inflammation in US college students. 2019 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Romadhon, Dimas. Digital Health Knowledge Seeking Behavior within Nahdlatul Ulama Community in East Java Province, Indonesia. Pilot Research. 2019. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
McCarthy, Justin. Pursue Indigenous community archaeology paradigms towards affirming and continuing cultural identities, the village of Quinhagak. Pilot Research. 2019. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Quantro-Plaga, Eugenio. Religious Fluidity in India. 2018 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Puerto, Hugo. How do the Colombian health system better make a more culturally competent extension of primary healthcare services into indigenous communities in Colombia? 2018 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Ngandali, Yoli. Communities of Art Practices: Technological style on the Lower Columbia River 1000 BC – AD 1875. 2018 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Miller, Hollis. The Historical Archaeology of Gender, Food and Labor in Old Harbor, Alaska. Pilot Research. 2018. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Trembley, Kyle. Rattus Hierarchicus: Affect, Caste, and Human-Rat Relationships in Rajasthan. Pilot Research. 2018. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Luo, Juan. Border Crossing, Collaboration and Transition: NGOs' Health Aid in the China and Myanmar Border. Pilot Research. 2018. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
San Pablo Archaeological Project: Filipino Responses to Spanish Colonialism in Northern Luzon. Pilot Research. 2017. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Lee, Racquel. Cosmopolitanism for Credit: Learning Global Dispositions at Transnational Universities in China. Pilot Research. 2016 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Simekha, Cynthia. Rethinking gender and sexuality in an African context during the end of HIV/AIDS paradox. Pilot Research Award. 2016 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Wang, Li-Ying. The effect of European contact on social organization in Northeastern Taiwan during 17th century. Pilot Research Award. 2016 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Gamble, Erin. Cultural Contact and Technology in the Archaeological Record of Northern Japan. Pilot Research. 2016 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Doyle, Julius. I’m Black and I’m Strong: The Health Effects of Resilience in the face of Racial Discrimination among Black Americans in Metropolitan Seattle. Pilot Research. 2016 Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
Department of Anthropology Pre-Dissertation Research Pilot Fund, 2023. Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards
House, J. Shelby. Zoo, Circus, Menagerie, Prison: Multispecies Captivity and Human-Animal Relations at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. Barclay Simpson Scholarship in Public, UW Simpson Center for the Humanities, Office of the Provost. Ongoing pre-dissertation pilot research, 2023-present.  Graduate, Predissertation Pilot Awards