Cosmopolitanism for Credit: Learning Global Dispositions at Transnational Universities in China

Public Art Installation in Shanghai, 2016, "YOUR BORDER IS YOUR BRAND"
Lee, Racquel. Cosmopolitanism for Credit: Learning Global Dispositions at Transnational Universities in China. Pilot Research. 2016

Globally, college enrollment rates have tripled since 1978, while in China they have grown more than 30 times in size. Within this expansion of higher education worldwide, transnational education has become a rapidly growing field, resulting in over 1,000 transnational higher education programs currently existing in China. This research looks at one joint venture university that has emerged within this trend, New York University Shanghai, which is premised in part on the ideal of creating global citizens and embracing the condition of globalization in education. This three-month ethnographic pilot research documents how students are shaped to become global subjects through everyday practices within this transnational space of education in China.

Funded by the American Council for Learned Societies' Pre-dissertation Research Grant and the University of Washington Graduate School's Chester Fritz Fellowship for International Research.
