
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
DiCiro, A., N. Mitchell, and B. Marwick (2024). Everything is a Deposit: An interview with pioneering geoarchaeologist Julie K. Stein. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology Publications, Articles
Sui, Z., Wang, Q. & Xu, J. Modeling children’s moral development in postwar Taiwan through naturalistic observations preserved in historical texts. Scientific Reports 14, 9140 (2024). Publications, Articles
Xu, Jing. "Unruly" Children: Historical Fieldnotes and Learning Morality in a Taiwan Village. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming. Publications, Books
Xu, Jing. "Unruly" Children: Historical Fieldnotes and Learning Morality in a Taiwan Village. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming. Publications, Books
Harper CM, Goldstein DM, Sylvester AD. 2022. Comparing and combining sliding semilandmarks and weighted spherical harmonics for shape analysis. Journal of Anatomy. 240:678-687. Publications, Articles
Glass, D. J. (2022). Disentangling determinism (s) for a biosocial anthropology of scale. Review of: Biosocial Worlds: Anthropology of Health Environments Beyond Determinism. American Journal of Biological Anthropology Publications, Reviews
Dosseto, Anthony, and Ben Marwick (2022). UThwigl — An R Package for Closed- and Open-System Uranium–Thorium Dating. Quaternary Geochronology 67: 101235 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Xu, Jing. 2020. The Mischievous, the Naughty and the Violent in a Taiwanese Village: Peer Aggression Narratives in Arthur P. Wolf's "Child Interview" (1959). Cross-Currents: East Asia Culture and History Review (33). Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Thapa, P, A Harsha, I Nirola, D Citrin, B Belbase, B Bogati, N BK, S Khadka, L Kunwar, S Halliday, N Choudhury, R Schwarz, M Adhikari, N KC, SP Kalaunee, J Dhungana, J Dhungana, S Baral, S Rising, D Maru, S Maru. The power of peers: an effectiveness evaluation of a cluster-controlled trial of group antenatal care in rural Nepal. BMC Reproductive Health 2019;16:150. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Xu, Jing. 2019. Learning "Merit" in a Chinese Preschool: Bringing the Anthropological Perspective to Understanding Moral Development. American Anthropologist. doi: 10.1111/aman.13269 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
In Disruptive Improvisations: Making Use of Non-Deterministic Art Practices in HCI. (CHI 2018) Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Xu, Jing. 2017. The Good Child: Moral Development in a Chinese Preschool. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Publications, Books
Klegarth AR, et al. Survey of Treponemal Infections in Free-Ranging and Captive Macaques, 1999-2012. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 May;23(5):816-819. doi: 10.3201/eid2305.161838.  Publications
Harsha A, A Ozonoff, D Citrin, P Thapa, I Nirola, S Maru, R Schwarz, A Raut, Bet al. 2016. Practical Issues in the Measurement of Child Survival in Health Systems Trials: Experience Developing a Digital Community-Based Mortality Surveillance Program in Rural Nepal. BMJ Global Health 1:e000050.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Xu, Jing. 2014. Becoming a Moral Child amidst China’s Moral Crisis: Preschool Discourse and Practices of Sharing in Shanghai. Ethos (2): 222-242. (Winner of 2013 Condon Prize in Society for Psychological Anthropology) Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Janelle S. Taylor, Shaune M. DeMers, Elizabeth K. Vig and Soo Borson. 2012. “The Disappearing Subject: Exclusion of People with Cognitive Impairment and Dementia from Geriatrics Research,” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 60:413-419 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
1996    Your Place and Mine: Sharing Emotional Landscapes in Wamira, Papua New Guinea.S. Feld and K. Basso eds. Senses of Place. Santa Fe: School of American Research. Pp. 167-96. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters