American Association for the Advancement of Science National Conference, February 2020. Bipedal Perils for Patients: Peak Braking and Propulsive Forces in Gradient Walking. Alexandra G. Hammerberg, Patricia Ann Kramer. |
Graduate, Posters |
Biological Anthropology, Medicine |
Schruth, D., C.N. Templeton, & D.J. Holman. "Acoustic Reappearance Diversity: Quantifying Musicality in Primate Vocalizations." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. |
Graduate, Posters |
Art, Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Nonhuman Primates, Statistics |
Schruth, D. "Testing the origins of primate anterior orbital convergence as a function of evasive leap landing and reduced posterior predation." American Journal of Primatology. Vol. 77. 2015. |
Graduate, Posters |
Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Nonhuman Primates, Statistics |
Schruth, D. "Frequent leaping origins: unpredictable substrate orientation and position as the selective context for euprimate visual system improvements." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol. 156. 2015. |
Graduate, Posters |
Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Nonhuman Primates, Statistics |
Schruth, D., & C.N. Templeton. "Singing and swinging: The evolution of primate call structure as a function of substrate use." American Journal of Primatology. Vol. 76. 2014. |
Graduate, Posters |
Art, Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Nonhuman Primates, Statistics |
Baya Walls.Erasure of Diversity– Corrective Treatments And Resistance of Non-normative Bodies. PowerPoint, Anthropology of the Body Final Presentation. 2014 |
Graduate, Posters |
Feminism and Feminist Theory, Medical Anthropology, Visual Anthropology |
Schruth, D., & C.N. Templeton. "Human music universals derived index suggests adult primates learn their songs." American Journal of Primatology. 2019. |
Graduate, Posters |
Art, Behavioral Ecology, Statistics |