
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Glass, D. “The Differential Effects of Kin & Non-Kin on Fertility Variation”. Undergraduate Thesis.  Undergraduate
Baumann, Dianne. "Broken Spirit: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Deculturization of the Blackfeet Nation." BA thesis., Saint Martin's University, 2015. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Walls, Baya. Leidensdruck: Gender Reassignment Surgery, Sociocultural Factors, Economic Issues, and Life Quality of Transgender Individuals in the United States and Germany. 2013. Senior Anthropology Honors Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle WA Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Measuring cultural consensus on nutrition within and between parent and child groups in a Latino population in the Southeast: the effects of acculturation, influence on practice, and implications Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Liu, Ziqi., Glass, Delaney., Goodreau, Steve. A Syndemic, Qualitative Study of HIV Stigma in China. Undergraduate