MacInnes, Bre, Ben Fitzhugh, and Darryl Holman. 2014. “Controlling for landform age when determining the settlement history of the Kuril Islands.” Geoarchaeology 29 (3): 185-201. doi:10.1002/gea.21473 |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology, East Asian, Geoarchaeology, Geography, Landscape |
Wylie, Alison. "A Plurality of Pluralisms: Collaborative Practice in Archaeology." Ed. Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson, and Jonathan Tsou. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science Objectivity in Science (2014): 189-210. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Deppen, Jacob, and Robert A. Cook. "Deer Use in Good times and in Bad: A Fort Ancient Case Study from Southwest Ohio." Environmental Archaeology 19.1 (2013): 72-83. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Araujo, Astolfo G.m., André M. Strauss, James K. Feathers, Julio César Paisani, and Thomas J. Schrage. "Paleoindian Open-Air Sites in Tropical Settings: A Case Study in Formation Processes, Dating Methods, and Paleoenvironmental Models in Central Brazil." Geoarchaeology 28.3 (2013): 195-220. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison. "Interdisciplinary Practice: Archaeology and Philosophy." Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a Discipline. Ed. William L. Rathje, Michael Shanks, Christopher Witmore, and Susan E. Alcock. London: Routledge, 2013. 93-121. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison, and George Nicholas. "'Do Not Do Unto Others…': Cultural Misrecognition and the Harms of Appropriation in an Open Source World." Appropriating the Past: Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Archaeology. Ed. Geoffrey Scarre, Robin Coningham, and James O. Young. N.p.: Cambridge UP, 2012. 195-221. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison. "Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters." Presidential Address. Proc. of Pacific Division American Philosophical Association. 2nd ed. Vol. 86. N.p.: n.p., 2012. 47-76. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison. "Critical Distance: Stabilizing Evidential Claims in Archaeology." Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Ed. William Twining, Philip Dawid, and Dimitra Vasilaki. Oxford: Oxford Univ, 2011. 371-94. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Selover, Stephanie. "A Metallurgical Analysis of a Set of Bronze Clothing Pins from the Site of Alalakh, Turkey." Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh. Ed. Kutlu Aslihan Yener. Vol. 1. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi, 2010. 145-57. Print. 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison. "Archaeological Facts in Transit: The ‘Eminent Mounds’ of Central North America." How Well Do Facts Travel?: The Dissemination of Reliable Knowledge. Ed. Peter Howlett and Mary S. Morgan. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011. 301-22. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Field, Julie S., and Peter V. Lape. "Paleoclimates and the Emergence of Fortifications in the Tropical Pacific Islands." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29.1 (2010): 113-24. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Wylie, Alison, and George Nicholas. "The Appropriation of Archaeological Finds." The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Ed. James O. Young and Conrad G. Brunk. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 11-54. Print. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Lape, Peter V. and Chin-yung Chao. 2008. Fortification as a human response to late Holocene climate change in East Timor, in Climate Change in the Indo Pacific: Human Responses from the Late Pleistocene to the Little Ice Age edited special issue in Archaeology in Oceania 43:11-21. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Grayson, Donald K., and Françoise Delpech. "The Large Mammals of Roc De Combe (Lot, France): The Châtelperronian and Aurignacian Assemblages." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27.3 (2008): 338-62. Web. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Archaeology |
Close, Angela E. Finding the People Who Flaked the Stone at English Camp (San Juan Island). Salt Lake City: U of Utah, 2006. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Archaeology |
Fitzhugh, Ben. 2003. The Evolution of Complex Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological Evidence from the North Pacific. Kluwer Academic- Plenum Publishers. 332 pp |
Publications, Books |
Archaeology, Behavioral Ecology, Demography, Ecology, Economics, Environment, Evolution, Landscape Archaeology, Pacific Northwest, Political Economy |
B. Fitzhugh and J. Habu, eds. 2002. Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems. New York: Kluwer-Plenum. 442 pp. |
Publications, Books |
Archaeology, Behavioral Ecology, Ecology, Environment, Evolution, Human Ecology |