Costing analysis of a pilot community health worker program in rural Nepal.

Nepal, P and R Schwarz, D Citrin, A Thapa, B Acharya, Y Acharya, A Aryal, Am Aryal, V Bhandari, L Bhatt, D Bhattarai, , B Dangal, M Dhimal, S Dhungana, B Gauchan, SP Kalaunee, L Kunwar, D Maru, I Nirola, R Paudel, HJ Rayamazi, S Sapkota, D Schwarz, P Thapa, Pr Thapa, A Tiwari, R Tuitui, E Walter, S Maru. Costing analysis of a pilot community health worker program in rural Nepal. Global Health: Science and Practice 2020;8(2):239-255.
Status of Research