James K. Feathers

Research Associate Professor
Photo of James Feathers

Contact Information

Raitt Hall, 125


I am principally involved in the application of luminescence dating to address chronological problems in archaeology. The laboratory's current projects include 1) dating and assessing stratigraphic integrity at paleoindian sites in North and South America; 2) dating rock structures such as tipi rings and drive lines; 3) dating earthen structures such as canals, mounds and adobe buildings; and 4) building ceramic chronologies. Methodologically, the laboratory specializes in single-grain dating of quartz and feldspar, particularly in the ability to identify post-depositional mixing and partial bleaching. To a lesser degree, the laboratory is studying application of pulsed lumniescence. The laboratory runs a dating service for outside clients, providing dates for sediments, ceramics, lithics and fire-modified rocks. Please contact me by email or check the laboratory web site (hhtp://depts.washington.edu/lumlab/) for further information. I am also interested in prehistoric ceramic technology, although I am not involved in active research in this area at present.
