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Title |
Published |
UW books in brief: Mutiny at sea, an anthropologist’s memoir, ‘unsettling’ Native American art histories, global social media design — and an award for UW Press |
Students create videos, capping new UW class on music as a form of protest |
How LGBTQ+ Culture Can Survive COVID-19 |
A safe space for Black people to center on healing and joy on Juneteenth |
Beyond Cruelty And Innocence: What the Death Of An Elephant In Kerala Tells Us About Ourselves |
Bill James, hereditary chief at Lummi, master weaver, dies at age 75 |
Awards of Excellence |
A voice from the class of 2020: "We did it." |
COVID-19 transmission and immunity in mothers and infants |
Community-Oriented Archaeology in Old Harbor, Alaska |
Coral Breakers in Aru: Reflections on Archaeological Fieldwork in Indonesia |
Landscape, Encounters and Identity project (LEIAp): Landscape Archaeology in Western Mediterranean island of Mallorca |
The Power and Promise of Ethnoarchaeology |
Dr. Steven Goodreau, Plagues and Peoples, and Covid-19 |
Students | Alumni News 2020 |
Faculty | Staff News 2020 |
Faculty | Staff News 2020 |
Seeking Mama Amaan (Safe Motherhood) in Seattle |
Course Highlight: Engaging Students in Research and a Critical Examination of Sport |
Alumni Book Round-up |
From the Chair — Spring 2020 |
2019 Donors | Spring 2020 |
We All Live in Bubbles Now. How Safe Is Yours? |
Visiting ‘just one friend’ could undo goal of social distancing, UW researchers say |
Western states band together in response to the coronavirus. And no, you can’t just visit one friend |