Meeting Time: Monday & Wednesday – 8:30am-10:20am
Location: CMU 326
SLN: 10308
Course Description:
What is beautiful? Who creates the standard(s)? How have the standards changed? How does race/ethnicity, gender, class, age, sexuality and (dis)ability intersect with this notion of beauty? In this course we will explore the augmentation/modification/transformation of the ‘abnormal’ body by such technologies as cosmetic surgery, hair depilation, limb lengthening to the use of prosthetics. These technologies allow us to examine the body as a site where what is “normal” and what is “beautiful” are formed. Through readings, writing, films, and discussion we will take a critical look at the structures and institutions that have created and perpetuate the ideal beautiful normal body.
Class Format
This class is scheduled to be taught in person, there is no asynchronous or remote option. From time-to-time students will be asked to sit with their assigned group presentation peers to have small group discussions and participate in the in class graded activities. I plan to present short lectures, and then have small group discussions and activities so it will be important for students to attend regularly and come prepared with discussion questions from the readings.
Beauty Narrative (40% of grade)
Weekly Writing Prompts (25% of grade)
In-class Presentation (20% of grade)
In Class Activities (15% of grade)
By the end of the quarter students should be able to:
- Articulate the cultural norms surrounding the discourse of beauty and be able to complicate/problematize those norms.
- Identify the intersection(s) of multiple identities.
- Identify the nuanced nature of beauty standards in practice not only as theory.
Student Expectations
- Read the assigned text(s) prior to coming to class.
- Come to class with discussion questions.
- Participate in class discussions and activities.
- Respect classmates opinions.