Fields of Interest
Jennifer Ferris is a Senior Archaeologist and the Pacific Northwest Cultural Resources Practice Group Leader at Cardno, an infrastructure, environmental, and social development company. She has 17 years of professional and technical experience in archaeology and cultural resource management. Her background includes directing and conducting inventory, testing, salvage, data recovery, monitoring, and consultation in the Pacific Northwest, Great Basin, California, Baja California, and Western Australia. Jen specializes in the study of lithic technological organization, stone tool macro-analyses, and geochemical stone provenance assays. She earned her BA in Anthropology at the University of Washington in Seattle and her MA in Anthropology (Archaeology) at Washington State University in Pullman. As a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), Jen promotes cultural resources protection and understanding. She has served on the Society for American Archaeology’s Nominations Committee, is a member of the Agenda Planning Committee for the Cultural Resources Protection Summit, and volunteers at local schools and events. She enjoys spending time with her family doing many activities including cooking, hiking, camping, biking, and wearing purple to Apple Cup.