Students | Alumni News 2019

Submitted by Catherine M. Zeigler on


Ulil Amri accepted a postdoctoral teaching fellowship in the Department of Environmental Studies, at Gonzaga University beginning in August 2019.

Diane Baumann accepted a tenure track position as an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Idaho beginning in autumn 2019.

Stephanie Cruz accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in the School of Dentistry, pursuing research on fluoride hesitancy beginning in spring 2019.

Delaney Glass was awarded a 2018 Adawia Alousi scholarship for Muslim Women in STEM, and an Emerging Leaders in Anthropology award from the National Association of Student Anthropologists.

Joshua Griffin (Griff) was awarded a 2018-19 Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship and has accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs and the Department American Indian Studies at the University of Washington beginning autumn 2019.

Alexandra Hammerberg filed her first provisional patent for a surgical recovery boot.

Ian Kretzler was awarded a 2018 NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant, and was also awarded the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship for 2018-19. This one-year fellowship will allow Ian to complete his dissertation, Landscapes of Survivance: Archaeology of Reservation Lifeways at Grand Ronde.

Hope Loiselle received a Smithsonian Institution Graduate Student Fellowship to conduct ancient DNA work on Steller sea lions, a QRC grant to support her research on Steller sea lions from the Kuril Islands, and received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) for three years beginning 2019.

Miguel Ochoa received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) for three years beginning 2019.

Tiffany Pan received a 2018 NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant and a 2018 Wenner-Gren dissertation grant for her doctoral research on, "Microchimerism: An Evolutionary Perspective," and has accepted a postdoctoral position at University of California Santa Barbara working with Amy Boddy in the Dept of Anthropology. Projects will generally be on life history tradeoffs in health and disease, including microchimerism and maternal and infant health.

Hugo Puerto received a 2018-19 FLAS for the study of Portuguese, the 2018 Thomas Francis Jr. Global Health Fellowship Award, and 2019-20 Fritz International Travel Fellowships to support his doctoral research on primary health care among indigenous communities in Colombia.

Eugenio Quantro-Plaga received a Summer 2019 and 2019-20 FLAS for language study in Telugu at the American Institute of Indian Studies in Hyderabad, India.

Leyla Savloff was awarded the AAUW Dissertation Fellowship for 2018-19. The one-year fellowship will allow Leyla to complete her dissertation, "Entre Mujeres: The Social and Political Spheres of Women Against Prisons (an ethnography of freedom, political motherhood, and feminine creativity).

Lily Shapiro received the Joseph and Yetta Blau Award for Medical Anthropology Research in India and will be a Simpson Center Society of Scholars Fellow for 2019-20.

Eileen Sleesman Calderon received a 2019-20 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowship to fund 12 months of her research on Ethnic Pasts and Religious Futures: Time and Uncertainty for Turkish Protestant Christians.

Kyle Trembley received at Summer 2019 Boeing Fritz research fellowship for predissertation research on his project, Affect, Caste, and Human-Rat Relationships in Rajasthan

Joss Whittaker was awarded an NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant to support his archaeological fieldwork in the Aru Islands of Indonesia in 2018.


Deja Edwards received a Travel Award in conjunction with her poster presentation at the Committee on Diversity Undergraduate Research Symposium at the American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting. Deja will be attending Emory University's MPH program beginning Fall 2019. 


Yesenia Navarro-Aguirre (BA 2017, major: human evolutionary biology; anthropology of globalization (Peru), and Tammy Tarhini (BA 2017, major: human evolutionary biology; Anthropology of Globalization (Germany) have been awarded Fulbright grants.

Darren Byler (PhD 2018) accepted a postdoctoral position at the University of Colorado at Boulder, part of a "China Made" research initiative that is funded by a major grant from the Luce Foundation.

Jennifer J. Carroll (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor of anthropology at Elon University and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine at Brown University, has a new book out entitled, Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine, through Cornell University Press.

Re-Awakening Ancient Salish Sea Basketry: Fifty Years of Basketry Studies in Culture and Science was published through CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform and is the result of a collaboration between Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder and Master Basketmaker, and Dale Croes (BA 1969), Northwest archaeologist specializing in ancient basketry and excavation of Northwest Coast waterlogged sites. Additionally, an article entitled, “Generationally-Linked Archaeology,” highlighting Ed and Dale’s  collaborative efforts, was published as the lead-off article in the SAA Archaeological Record, November 2018 issue.

Julius Doyle (PhD 2018) accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor at St. John's University in Queens, New York in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Celso Inguane (PhD 2018) accepted a postdoctoral position in the University of Washington Department of Global Health leading the qualitative evaluation of maternal and child health interventions that are being implemented in Central Mozambique.

Jessica Johnson (PhD 2010) accepted a Visiting Assistant Professor position in North American Religions in the Department of Religious Studies at the College of William and Mary beginning in autumn 2019.

Angela Linse (PhD 1999) was elected president of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education.

Teresa Mares (PhD 2010) and anthropology Associate Professor at the University of Vermont has a new book out entitled, Life on the Other Border: Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont, through University of California Press

Michele Statz (PhD 2014) Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, published her new book entitled, Lawyering an Uncertain Cause: Immigration Advocacy and Chinese Youth in the US (Vanderbilt University Press).
