The University comes together each spring to celebrate the achievements of our students as many of them graduate and leave our immediate community. With this newsletter, we attempt to do something of the same — share with you, our larger community, the accomplishments of the current members of the Department of Anthropology and our many and far-flung alumni.
Our purpose as a department is to create and disseminate knowledge about people — across diverse populations extant today, through the lens of deep time and evolutionary processes, in how we communicate, and what we make and leave behind. Toward that educational goal, the department continues to serve over 550 undergraduate majors and minors and close to 100 graduate students. Our students accomplish remarkable things, and they go on from here to become physicians, activists, parents, leaders, and generally better-informed citizens of the world due to the education that they received here. We are happy to be able to share some of their achievements with you in the pages that follow.
This year saw the promotion of Dr. Daniel Hoffman to full Professor and Dr. Holly Barker to Principal Lecturer. Dr. Steven Harrell retired at the end of last year and we miss him still. Dr. Don Grayson plans to retire at the end of this year, but he plans to continue to teach zooarchaeology for several more years.
I hope that you will enjoy reading about these and other activities and accomplishments of UW anthropologists. These last two years as department chair, it has been my privilege and honor to support and facilitate the excellent work being done by our students, staff, and faculty.
Please come visit us in Denny Hall! We are eager to stay in touch, and the AnthropoLog e-newsletter is just one way we hope to do this. Our website also lists events that we encourage you to attend, if possible, and has links for making donations. The website also features news, and we welcome our alumni to share items that we might post.
Thank you so much for your interest in anthropology, your support of our students, and your friendship. We are so grateful to have you in our community.