This summer Shelby Anderson and Adam Freeburg are leading a third and final field season of archaeological research in northern Alaska. Their goal is to understand how and why cultures of the past 5,000 years changed through time and, in particular, how past people adapted to environmental change. Their research focuses on the human occupation of the Cape Krusenstern beach ridge complex, located near Kotzebue. Click here for more information about this project.
Emily Brunson was awarded a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant for completing her dissertation research on childhood vaccination in the U.S. She is examining the role that social networks play when parents decide whether or not to vaccinate their children. In some parts of the United States, vaccination rates have fallen dramatically. This research is designed to determine the proximal causes of the decline. Brunson’s previous qualitative investigation revealed that parents vary in the extent to which they do research and what kind of research they do before making their decisions.
The department’s Olson Fellowship was awarded to Karen Capuderto continue her research project which seeks to document both the history and the destruction of the Squalli-absch village of Sequalitchew, as understood by, and conveyed through the voice of, Hereditary Chief, Tribal Elder, and Nisqually historical expert, Salatupkey, Leonard Squally.
Jennifer Carroll received a Title VIII fellowship from the Department of State to fund Ukrainian language instruction in Kyiv this summer. The program is being coordinated by the American Councils for International Education.
Aksel Casson is currently at McGill University, where he is teaching Human Evolution to 200 very impressive students.
Benjamin Chabot-Hanowell is co-authoring two book chapters currently in press (one about Maya polities with archaeologist Lisa Lucero from Urbana-Champaign, and one about the ecology of human territoriality with Eric A. Smith at the UW). He has one journal article in press on the ecology of hunter-gatherer household formation with Donna Leonetti (to be published in Human Nature in March 2011). This summer, he will embark on a six-week NSF IGERT-funded dissertation pilot project on the Caribbean island of Dominica, where he will collect data on migrants’ remittances.
The department’s Baldwin Fellowship was awarded to Mary Kingand Ben Trumble.
Three students, Benjamin Chabot-Hanowell, Tara Hayes Constant,and Ben Trumble are current CSDE NIH/NICHD “Funded Trainees” as part of the CSDE Fellows program. The CSDE Fellows program is designed to provide students with advanced training in demography through interdisciplinary classes in sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, the Evans School, and social work. The Fellows program offers a great environment that fosters cross-disciplinary cooperation, and interaction with students and faculty – a truly fantastic opportunity for students interested in population studies.
R. Jay Flaming has been invited to spend spring quarter in Washington, D.C. with the National Park Service, writing a model to predict which national heritage sites might be most vulnerable to impacts from climate change.
Christina Giovas has a book chapter and three articles in press and/or published, all based on her archaeological research on Carriacou. She was also the guest editor with a colleague for a special issue of the Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. She recently did some collections-based research for her dissertation at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto and is currently doing the same at MacMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. This summer she will be traveling to Paris for the meetings of the International Council of Archaeozoology for a session on prehistoric island faunal translocations that she co-organized.
Amy Jordan just returned from a successful pilot research trip to Indonesia. She traveled to the Spice Islands to identify potential archaeological sites for her dissertation on ethnogenesis at nutmeg plantations in the colonial period. She also visited Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta and shared her preliminary findings with staff and students. She has been awarded a Luce Dissertation Fellowship to fund her research on enthnogenesis in colonial period Banda Islands, Indonesia.
Henry Lyle received a National Science Foundation grant for his research on social networks, collective action, and unconditional generosity in highland Peru.
Stephanie Maher received a Jacob K. Javits Fellowship to support her graduate studies.
Teresa Mares was awarded a Social and Behavioral Sciences Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship through Ohio State University. This two-year award will allow her to publish findings from her dissertation and extend the themes of her dissertation project on food systems and Latino/a immigration.
Siobhan Mattison has a Mellon Foundation John E. Sawyer Seminar postdoctoral fellowship. She will be working with Melissa Brown (UW Anthropology PhD), Marcus Feldman (Biology) and Matthew Sommer (History) on research that examines the bases for son preference in China and seeks to make comparisons with son preference in India.
Miriam Aldasoro Maya is a recipient of the Jacobs Research Funds from the UW/Whatcom Museum. Her project will be the documentation of the Traditional Environmental Knowledge of the Pjiekakjoo (Tlahuica) people, with an emphasis on wild plants, fungi and animals. She will study how the production and reproduction of this knowledge occurs in a transnational context, as some of the members of the community migrated to the United States, and what has changed the many dynamics in social, economic and cultural terms.
The department’s James Fellowship was awarded to Aaron Naumann and Marja Eloheimo.
Anna Zogas was awarded an NSF pre-doctoral three-year fellowship for her interest in the discursive construction of homelessness.
Kathleen Adams (PhD 1988, now teaching at Loyola University, Chicago) was recently honored with a National Book Award from Alpha sigma Nu and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities for Art as Politics: Re-crafting Identities, Tourism and Power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia. The award statement hails the book as “not only social science at its best, but also written with the emotion and insight of excellent literature.”
Cheryll Alipio (PhD 2009) received a one-year renewable appointment as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the “Changing Family in Asia” and “Asian Migration” research clusters at the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. While at the Asia Research Institute, she will work on a book manuscript based on her dissertation, “Affective Economies: Child Debts, Devotions, and Desires in Philippine Migrant Families,” and will begin a new project that further investigates the effects of parental and familial affective investments on the development of children entitled, “Consuming for the Body and Mind: Filipino Child Sexuality and Sociality in Migratory Circumstances.”
Chris Lockwood (PhD 2009), whose research used biogeochemical methods to understand the evolution of sweet potato agriculture and pig husbandry in pre-contact Hawai’i, has been teaching ARCHY 205 (Principles of Archaeology) at the UW.
Lisa Meierotto (PhD 2009) is at Arizona State University working as an Assistant Research Professional in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change.
Chingchai Methaphat (PhD 2009) is on the Faculty of Public Health at Burapha University in Thailand.
Three biocultural anthropology program alum had articles in Current Anthropology (February 2010): Brooke Scelza, “Father's presence speeds the social and reproductive career of sons;” Mary Shenk,“Intergenerational Wealth Transmission among Agriculturalists;” and David Nolin (fourth author) “Wealth Transmission and Inequality among Hunter-Gatherers.”
Sarah Van Hoy (PhD 2009) is a faculty member in the Health Arts and Sciences Programs at Goddard College.