Biocultural graduate student and CSDE fellow Benjamin Chabot-Hanowell recently started a blog called "N of 3: A Natural Experiment in New Fatherhood." The blog chronicles the life of a broke and busy grad student dad, inter-woven with themes from anthropological ecology.
Rob Allen recently published an article on his dissertation research, concerning military recruitment and training through video entitled:The Army rolls through Indianapolis: Fieldwork at the Virtual Army Experience.
Megan Styles just returned from nine months in residence at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, where she began writing her dissertation on cut flower farming in Kenya. Her time at Cambridge was funded by a generous scholarship from the University of Washington Graduate School.
Yu Huang has finished her dissertation fieldwork on the science extension network of shrimp aquaculture in China. Her 1-year-old son “Shrimpy” witnessed how she raised and harvested shrimp in a coastal village in Guangdong, China.
Kathy Wander was recently awarded a Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Kathy's research in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania investigates the role of the early life environment in immune system development.
Teresa Mares is the recipient of the American Association of University Women American Fellowship and the Stroum Endowed Minority Fellowship for her dissertation entitled Rethinking Agency in the Margins: The Political Economy of Food in Latino Immigrant Households.